Types of Endoscopy: Exploring Different Techniques

An endoscopy is a minimally invasive medical procedure used to examine the interior of your digestive tract. It involves a flexible tube with a camera and light at the tip, known as an endoscope, inserted through your mouth (upper endoscopy) or rectum (lower endoscopy). This image allows doctors to visually inspect the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, or colon to identify ulcers, polyps, inflammation, or cancer.

You may need an endoscopy in Carson City, Nevada, if you're experiencing persistent digestive problems, like unexplained abdominal pain, difficulty swallowing, chronic heartburn, or changes in bowel habits. Individuals with a family history of gastrointestinal conditions or those over 45 might also require routine screening endoscopies.

Endoscopies are invaluable diagnostic tools, enabling doctors to identify and address gastrointestinal issues. They're safe, effective, and crucial for maintaining your digestive health, allowing for early intervention and a better quality of life. If you're experiencing digestive concerns, consult Drs. Jason Collins, Harper Massey, and Ting-Hui Hsieh at Carson City Gastroenterology to determine if an endoscopy is the right course of action for your situation.

Types of Endoscopy: Exploring Different Techniques

Endoscopy is a versatile medical procedure, and its various techniques are essential for diagnosing and treating many conditions. Here are five types of endoscopies:

  1. Upper Endoscopy (EGD): This involves inserting a thin, flexible tube with a camera through your mouth to examine the esophagus, stomach, and upper part of the small intestine. You might need an EGD to investigate unexplained stomach pain, acid reflux, or difficulty swallowing.
  2. Colonoscopy: This procedure uses a similar tube to inspect the large intestine. It's crucial for detecting colorectal cancer, polyps, or unexplained bowel changes, particularly if you're over 50 or have a family history of these issues.

Choosing the correct endoscopy technique depends on the symptoms and suspected conditions. Your doctor will determine the most appropriate endoscopy in Carson City, NV, based on your health concerns, ensuring a precise diagnosis and targeted treatment.

Your Consultation: What To Expect

An endoscopy consultation involves discussing the procedure with our gastroenterologist. We'll review your medical history and symptoms, and the doctor will explain the purpose, risks, and benefits. We'll also address concerns or questions.

Please explore our website to learn about the conditions we treat and the services we provide. If you have questions or concerns regarding an endoscopy in Carson City, Nevada, and want to schedule an appointment with one of our gastroenterologists Drs. Collins, Massey, and Hsieh at Carson City Gastroenterology, call (775) 884-4567.

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Hours of Operation


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8:00 am - 5:00 pm


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8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm