Understanding Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

If you suffer from chronic abdominal pain, you could have a condition called irritable bowel syndrome, also known as IBS. It is a condition that should be treated by a gastroenterologist. Carson City Gastroenterology in Carson City Nevada has a team of providers who provide a wide range of GI services, including the diagnosis and treatment of irritable bowel syndrome.

What You Need To Know About IBS

Irritable bowel syndrome, also known as IBS, is caused by malfunctioning of the nervous system in the digestive tract. When you have IBS, it affects the movement of your intestinal walls. The food in your stomach doesn’t pass efficiently through your intestines. This can result in a wide variety of uncomfortable symptoms, including:

  • Moderate to severe abdominal pain and cramping
  • Frequent or chronic gas and bloating
  • Frequent or chronic diarrhea or constipation
  • Mucus occurring frequently in your stools

You can try a few dietary and lifestyle changes to decrease your symptoms. You should:

  • Limit or avoid spicy foods, fats, nightshade vegetables, beans, fruits, milk, carbonated drinks, alcohol, and chocolate
  • Limit or avoid high-gluten content foods and foods with a high sugar content
  • Manage your stress with exercise, meditation, and yoga

Our gastroenterologist can help diagnose and treat IBS. Common treatments for IBS include:

  • Prescription-strength anti-diarrheal medications
  • Prescription-strength medications to reduce intestinal spasms
  • Antibiotics to treat any underlying infection or bacterial imbalance
  • Medications to relax the colon, including Alosetron
  • Medications to increase fluid secretion like Lubiprostone
  • Dietary and lifestyle counseling

You don’t have to suffer from IBS when help is just a phone call away. Our gastroenterologists are experts in GI conditions and can help you feel better.

Get Your IBS Under Control

To find out more about the causes and treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, call Carson City Gastroenterology and make an appointment with one of our providers. Dr. Collins, Dr. Massey, Dr. Hsieh, Jason Kattenhorn, Adam Casey and Bonnie O'Daye can be reached in the office by calling (775) 884-4567, so call today.

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8:00 am - 5:00 pm
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8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm